Boat on the ocean
Photo by Szelei Robert from Pexels

⛵️ Karavel - A lightweight navigation library for Compose for Desktop


Karavel is a lightweight navigation library for Compose for Desktop. Using it you can easily nevigate through your composable pages even passing parameters to it without writing anything in XML or something else.

Here is how we can use it


  1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
    allprojects {
        repositories {
            // ...
            maven { url '' }
  1. Add the dependency
    dependencies {
        implementation ''


import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import io.appoutlet.karavel.Page

// 1.  Extends the Page class
class MainPage : Page() {
    // 2. Override the content() method and annotate it with composable
    override fun content() {
        // ...Page content...
import androidx.compose.desktop.Window
import androidx.compose.material.MaterialTheme
import io.appoutlet.karavel.Karavel

fun main() = Window {

    // 3. Create karavel instance passing the main page as argument
    val karavel = Karavel(MainPage())

    MaterialTheme {
        // 4. Get the current page content
    override fun content() {
        Button(onClick = {
            // 5. use the karavel object to navigate
        }) {
            Text("Go to settings page")
        Button(onClick = {
            // 6. use the karavel object to back to the previous screen
        }) {
            Text("Back to previous screen")

We see the code on the karavel’s github page